2010年1月4日 星期一


05 JANUARY 2010


简讯背后的意思 Beyond Those WordsShare

1. 当你收到“你干嘛呢?”实际上是想说“我想你了”。

1. When you receive "What are you doing?". But actually he/she is trying to say "I miss you!"

2. 当你收到“呵呵”,多是没笑或者傻笑。

2. When you receive "hehe". Majority means he/she is not smiling or giggle.

3. 但如果是“哈哈”或者“嘿嘿”,这时你打过去一定是在笑。

3. But if you receive "haha" or "heihei", sure one is laughing when he/she text you.Not really...

4. 说你“傻瓜”或者“笨蛋”其实是关心你,担心你,希望你照顾好自己。

4. When he say "silly" or "stupid". Actually he/she is caring and worrying about you, hope you can take care of yourself.Sometimes...

5. 如果是问句结束,其实是希望能和你多聊一会儿。

5. If sentence end with question mark, actually he/she wish to chat more with you. AGREE

6. “哦”多半是在敷衍。

6. If he answer "oh". Majority means he is just perfunctory entertaining you.

7. 但如果是“知道啦”,“收到”,“遵命”之类的则表示比较在意。

7. But if he/she answer "I know le", "get it", "yes sir" and so on, which mean he/she care with it.

8. 有时劝你忙自己的,其实他是口是心非。

8. Sometime when he/she asking you to busy your work don't bother him/her, actually he/she do not mean it and he/she still wish to chat with you. YUP

9. 把他的傻事,丢面的或失落的事告诉你,是希望你安慰他,开导他,甚至骂骂他。

9. Telling you all the silly things, shameful things that he/she did, actually he/she hope you to comfort him/her, or even scold him/her. ^^

10. 主动发信息给你,说明你在他心目中有一定的分量,一般人不喜欢和不在意的人罗嗦。

10. Text you actively, means you are important to him/her, normally people won't talk much to people that they don't care. THIS IS SO TRUE.

11. 如果给你起外号,是希望你可以记住他多一点。

11. If he/she give you a nickname, means he/she hope you remember him. =p

12. “我刚到”,“我已经到家咯”说明进屋第一个想到的是你。

12. "I just reach", "I reach home le" shows that once he/she reach home, the first in his/her mind is you.

13. “你到家了就告诉我一声”,“你到家了没啊?”意思是我要你一定平安了,我不许你有事。

13. "Tell me when you reach home", "Have you reach home?" means he/she want you to be safe, don't want you get hurt.

14. 有时不会那么巧就发错给你,可能是他想发给你又实在又没东西发,虽然这样很愚蠢。

14. There will never be an action called accidentally sent, maybe he/she wish to send something to you but dont know what to say. Although that is silly.

15. 有一阵你没有收到过他的短信,但不表示他草稿箱里没有。

15. If he/she didn't text you for sometime, it doesn't means his /her draft box is empty.

16. 如果可能,他晚上不关机就是因为你。

16. If possible, he/she don't shut down the phone at night all because of you.

05 JANUARY 2010